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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's always about the worst-case scenario

Jill tagged me again. Okay, here goes:
"That is the task my mind has set for itself, the endless surveying of worst-possible scenarios. Despite myself, I am romancing trouble. Despite myself, I stray near the edge of the cliff."
Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance by Julia Cameron.

Okay, Kelly, Jeff and Lori.

Here are original instructions from Dispassionate Liberal.
  1. Grab the book closest to you.
  2. Open to page 123, go down to the 4th sentence.
  3. Post the text of the following 3 sentences on your blog.
  4. Name of the book and the author.
  5. Tag three people of your own.


Kelly Boyer Sagert said...

Interesting! Since we take turns, re: posting on WoM, I'll need to find out when there is an opening slot, but in the meantime here is my text:

He wrote about one large bright Sunday when he had preached on a sunlit hillside to a large responsive group of people. Another man would have been gratified by so much attention, but David Brainerd later confided to his diary that night. “Was too much crowded with company and conversation and longed to be more alone with God.”

Lori said...

Hmmm... the book closest to me is the latest Journal of World History, which, being #4 of the volume, goes from 353 to 478. That puts p. 123 on an ad -- no sentences there. How about what's under that? Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Encyclopedia of an Ordinary LIfe. Hmmm... only one sentence on that page. Chicago Manual indexing guide? No p. 123. Under that, Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML, with a crossword answer and three sentences of text.

I guess I'm stumped. But now you have an idea of the breadth of my desk droppings.

Wendy A. Hoke said...

Thanks for sharing, ladies. Lori, I'm so glad to hear from you. How are things?

Wendy A. Hoke said...

Hey Steve! So good to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. Here's hoping 2007 brings peace and happiness.