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Monday, June 19, 2006

News conversation

If you're even remotely involved in the pratice of news gathering and dissemination you should be reading Jay Rosen's PressThink. He's the a rebel outside the newsroom pushing journalists, editors and publishers to think bigger about the news experience -- and to think about it more as a conversation than pronouncements from on high.

Jay's got a provacative piece in this morning's Washington Post. He talks about the 10 years of news online and how it's finally dawning on the newsroom honchos that "repurposing" stories does not an online strategy make.

Newsrooms big and small often move with the quickness of a brontosaurus. But this statement by AP chief Tom Curley may signify that they have finally caught on to the changes that have taken place without the newsrooms.

"When the Web was born as a commercial content enterprise back in the mid-'90s, we thought it was about replicating -- that is, 'repurposing' -- our news and information franchises online," Curley said. "The news, as 'lecture,' is giving way to the news as a 'conversation'."

This summer, SPJ in Cleveland has invited editors and reporters from The Plain Dealer to talk more about the difficulties in making the shift. I'll keep you posted on the time, date and place. Don't prejudge their position, but plan to come if for no other reason than to encourage them to push for more creative and transparent news delivery online.

Let's move the conversation forward with open minds.

As Rosen concludes:

"To survive you have to be open."

1 comment:

Jill said...

As always, thanks for drawing attention to this genesis. Let me know if and how I can help. :)