I'm getting positively fed up with the tone of this presidential campaign and the self-righteous indignation the GOP handlers have toward the press. Who the heck do they think they are? What job do they think they're seeking? Head janitor?
This country is seriously messed up and the best they can come up with are character attacks? What a bunch of intellectual lightweights. If I were an educated GOP member, I would burn my membership card in protest. We don't need more stupid, small-minded people running our country. The GOP has become a caricature of far right-wing, gun-toting, Bible-thumping Manicheans instead of the smart, fiscally conservative, small government party it used to be.
This pissing match with the press (not to mention violation of people's rights to speak openly) needs to stop--NOW! Be a man, McCain! Be a woman, Palin! Answer the freaking questions or take your shovels and leave the sandbox! You're behaving like petulant adolescents instead of potential world leaders and it's embarrassing.
Americans deserve better.
Amen and amen.
Wendy for president!
Shalom Wendy,
And the caricatures are getting worse.
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