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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Join the Monitor in real-time reporting on "Little Bill Clinton"

Here's another reason why I'm so proud to be a contributor to the Christian Science Monitor. Last night I received an e-mail from my editor about a new project called, "Little Bill Clinton: A School Year in the Life of a New American" by reporter Mary Wittenberg and photographer Melanie Stetson-Freeman.

According to the editor: "This year-long narrative project about a refugee charter school in Atlanta, the International Community School. The face of the project will be Congolese third-grader Bill Clinton Hadam – but it will also include story threads from refugees from 35 countries."

I'm thrilled to see that this kind of unconventional, in-depth reporting is taking place and would jump at the chance to be involved in such a project here. 


Unknown said...

Thanks, Wendy! It's an exciting project to be involved in. Looking forward to the start of school Monday. Was over at Indian Creek the other day, and the kids are getting those back-to-school jitters... Best, Mary

Wendy A. Hoke said...

It's a fantastic project, Mary. I'm looking forward to see how it progress.

Michelle O'Neil said...

Call me crass, but at first glance, the thought of a "little bill clinton" scared me a bit.

On further review, it sounds like an amazing story.

Wendy A. Hoke said...

The title is certainly catchy. :)