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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Foreclosure story has long legs

I never know where my stories will turn up. It's a bit disconcerting as I try to ascertain whether or not copyright has been violated. I'll share an example: Last night I was Googling myself (it's a good practice to get into regularly if you write for living) and found my latest Christian Science Monitor story on foreclosure bus tour turning up in all sorts of places. They go from simple links or blurbs (which is cool) to out and out reprints (which I'm not sure is cool).

Here's what I found:

Northeast Ohio River
: A stream of posts from Northeast Ohio blogs

Seeking Alpha

World Hum: Travel Dispatches from a shrinking planet (a Travel Channel blog)

Sarasota Herald-Tribune Creating Spaces blog

Axcess News
: News for the X Generation (a full reprint with credit to CSM but no permission)
: Will full reprint and photos and no permission from CSM Solon Wire

Foreclosure O.N.E.

The Simple Family

Digg With many listings from above

But then I also received an e-mail from an American living in Iran who wrote a lengthy note demonstrating the power of the Web. A writer from Cleveland publishes a story in a Boston-based newspaper that is eventually read on the news ticket of Yahoo Iran!

Go figure!


Amy Green said...

Hi Wendy, As I remember it I think the Monitor may have a news wire that supplies copy to other outlets. I may be wrong, and I don't remember seeing anything about it in the contract. But for better or worse I guess this is how the Web works, spreading our work across the world. I guess we either can see it as great free advertising of our work or a copyright nightmare. Hope you're having a good day. Amy

Wendy A. Hoke said...

Thanks, Amy. I think they do have a wire service that distributes, but I'm surprised some of the pieces don't indicate that.