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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Time is short, but make it anyway

Well hell's bells! The has a blog! And it's fun and witty and, at times, irreverent. And it's not at all about politics (at least not yet).

This is how newsblogs can function at their best. Achenblog by Joel Achenbach is going to be about "science, history, sports, journalism, and cool stuff that’s in the news."

Achenbach admits that it's not a place for screeds, acknowledging that there are many more questions than answers in this life. "Would that just once I knew the truth about anything," he posts.

Would that our fair city's paper could take a cue from the venerable Post and Guardian and create not only a clean site, but also a Newsblog that would engage readers in a dynamic conversation.

And here is today's self-help quote of the day from Alan Jones, an Episcopal priest and Dean of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco:

"We get imprisoned in what we take to be reality. Our world remains small and our allegiances petty when we refuse to use our imagination. To be fully human is to commit ourselves to what we do not fully know."

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