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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When an old quote makes you smile anew

Yesterday's quote of the day on my Google home page made me smile, mostly because I fondly recalled being told this by a dear friend with one admonition, which I've included in parentheses.

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. (Just don't hurt anybody.)--Jack London

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winter has arrived

Big Guy (aka my hubby) has been out shoveling three times already today. Fortunately, the strapping young lads are now awake and will be doing the remainder of the day's shoveling.

Here's a view of our corner (an added shoveling burden as all who live on a corner lot can attest) from the comfort and warmth of my living room.

Anyone want a Bud Light Lime? Summer on the patio seems ever so long ago.